January/February 2025
Happy New Year!
As we welcome the new year of 2025, I want to take a moment to share my heartfelt wishes with each of you. May this year bring you joy, peace, and the abundant blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Together, let’s embrace the hope and endless possibilities that lie ahead, supporting one another with kindness and understanding along the way.
Every New Year offers us a chance to make resolutions and set new intentions. For many of you, the struggle to stick to those resolutions might feel like an uphill battle, and I completely understand how disheartening that can be. Yet, I genuinely believe that every year provides us with an opportunity to start fresh, especially when we look to the Word of God. Each week, particularly on Sunday, gives us a moment for renewal, and every day is a chance for a new beginning.
You might be feeling uncertain about how to create that fresh start. If you have a plan that resonates with you, that’s wonderful—hold on to it! If you’re feeling lost or unsure, please know that it’s okay to ask questions. Bring your thoughts to the Word of God, and explore where Jesus might be in your life. It’s important to reflect on how you can find God’s goodness even in tough times, and to lift those feelings in prayer with the Holy Spirit.
It’s normal to feel like seeking answers might seem “dull and petty,” especially when clarity feels out of reach. I empathise with those moments when answers seem elusive. In these times, remember that faith plays a crucial role. We can trust in God, who created each of us with love and provides for us according to His goodness.
Many of us carry long-standing questions for God: Where are you, my God? Why am I facing this struggle? Why do I feel abandoned? It’s painful to experience those moments of feeling unheard, and the silence can be heavy. Yet in those challenging times, it’s vital to remind ourselves not to lose hope.
As we step into this New Year, 2025, I warmly invite you to seek the Lord alongside us. Let’s share our questions openly, engage in sincere conversations about where Jesus might be in our lives, and seek to find God’s goodness even amid our challenges.
“In the beginning, God created…” (Genesis 1:1) From Rev Maria Lee
5-1 Tony
12-1 Noell
19-1 Jill E
26-1 John K
2-2 Carol
9-2 Elizabeth
16-2 John S
23-2 Laraine S
5-1 Rev Walt Johnson
12-1 Rev Walt Johnson
19-1* Rev Jim Hollyman
26-1 Rev Peter Wightman
2-2 Rev Walt Johnson
9-2 Rev Tony Burnham
16-2* Rev Maria Lee
23-2 Mr Tim Hopley
Family News
Geoff Higginbottom moved to E G Care Home a few weeks ago but soon after fell and broke his hip. After an operation he has returned to the home where he enjoyed the festivities and although still rather confused, he is getting loving care and attention! Laraine, Margaret and Elizabeth S have all had falls recently but are getting over them with varying degrees of speed!! Laura is undergoing tests and awaiting results. Amanda has not been well recently and Parvin needed to spend some time in hospital. Fortunately the baby is well and due to arrive in the next few weeks!
Our loving thoughts are with all those I have mentioned and with all other members of our family who need our prayers at difficult times.
Please note that the Church Annual General Meeting will now be held on 2nd February, after worship and coffee, and NOT on the 26th January. There will still be a very short church meeting on the 26th January to approve a new elder.
Sincere thanks go to Walt who took a Zoom service on the morning of the ‘deep SNOW’ and arranged everything at the last minute! A snowy service was enjoyed by well over 50 people, from several churches and will be remembered for some time to come!
Blessings to all for 2025